Finally got out for the 3rd time with my Equinox 900 with the new update. I must say that I am liking the more stable ID numbers and I think the tone is a bit better on silver. But that could be my bad ears after years of drag racing,playing in a rock band,and the shooting sports!
I had permission to hunt a church that was started in 1916 as a basement and completed in 1941. It is privately owned and I did spend an hour and a half talking to the owner and his dad who just turned 93! The owner told me that he didn't think I would find much as it had been pounded by other hunters. He later told me that I found the most coins that he has seen come out for a long time! I still have to hunt the back and sides of the church. I spent about two hours hunting due to the extended bull session! I ended up with a worn slq with was the first silver quarter of the year and a mercury dime with a few wheat cents and the usual amount of clad. I hunted mostly in Park 1 with maxed out sensitivity until I got near power lines and went as low as 22. My iron bias was at 4 along with a recovery speed of 4. It was also hot and humid and I always carry plenty of water and sports drink as I have diabetes..I don't see reverting my machine back to the previous version. I am also up to 8 or 10 silver coins for the year. I know there are people here that get that many in a day but my time is so limited anymore...Happy Hunting!! Ted