General Rules
The Finds Treasure Forum Classifieds is for individual use only with the exception of banner advertising buyers. Those buyers may advertise their traded in, discontinued models, etc.
Individual sellers may post their normal unwanted detectors on here, But they cannot exceed (1) one detector in a (3) three month period.
1.These rules apply to all posts made after 7-09-09.
2. Only For Sale, For Trade, or Wanted to Buy ads are allowed.
3. Only Forum Members Registered for 90 days or longer that have more than 24 significant posts in our other forums, may post For Sale or Trade ads.
Rules for Non Sponsoring Sellers
1. Items for sale, or for trade, should be your own personal property and be accurately described.
2. Your for sale or trade post should be self contained, without references to another site where you may also have it for sale. Do not put links to eBay. Do not put links to other forums where you may also have the same item for sale or trade.
3. Dealers are not allowed to post in Classifieds unless they are a sponsor.
The Finds Treasure Forum Classifieds is for individual use only with the exception of banner advertising buyers. Those buyers may advertise their traded in, discontinued models, etc.
Individual sellers may post their normal unwanted detectors on here, But they cannot exceed (1) one detector in a (3) three month period.
1.These rules apply to all posts made after 7-09-09.
2. Only For Sale, For Trade, or Wanted to Buy ads are allowed.
3. Only Forum Members Registered for 90 days or longer that have more than 24 significant posts in our other forums, may post For Sale or Trade ads.
Rules for Non Sponsoring Sellers
1. Items for sale, or for trade, should be your own personal property and be accurately described.
2. Your for sale or trade post should be self contained, without references to another site where you may also have it for sale. Do not put links to eBay. Do not put links to other forums where you may also have the same item for sale or trade.
3. Dealers are not allowed to post in Classifieds unless they are a sponsor.
Advertisements not adhering to the above rules will be deleted without warning or notification.