The weather here is beautiful, so I got out for two hours this afternoon. The colder weather should be settling in on us soon here in Wisconsin and then it will be all over till Spring.
I went to the old park where I found three wheat's mixed in with iron yesterday. Picked one area and hit it pretty hard. The size was maybe 10 by 15 yards or so.
The 1909 was my first ever barber coin and my first coin of the day, then I found the 28' merc shortly thereafter. I then found the second barber!
I also found three more wheat's, but I cannot tell the dates yet as they are cleaning in peroxide. I only found 7 clad coins. I am sure this area has been hit hard too, so it was nice to find the silver.
That is the most silver I have ever found in one day. I am very much taking a liking to the SE.
All of the older coins were kinda iffy and mixed in with iron, but the sweet coin sounds came through and enticed me to dig. The deepest was a little over 6 inches and the merc was only 3 inches. There is gravel in this area.
I could only run my sensitivity up to 16 or it would false like mad. I have been getting a better understanding of how to set the sensitivity. I start out in semi-auto to get a feel for what the ground mineralization is and then go to manual and set it so that falsing is just barely audible. A little falsing does not bother me.
The probe sure makes it easier finding the deeper ones once the plug is removed.
I went to the old park where I found three wheat's mixed in with iron yesterday. Picked one area and hit it pretty hard. The size was maybe 10 by 15 yards or so.
The 1909 was my first ever barber coin and my first coin of the day, then I found the 28' merc shortly thereafter. I then found the second barber!

That is the most silver I have ever found in one day. I am very much taking a liking to the SE.
All of the older coins were kinda iffy and mixed in with iron, but the sweet coin sounds came through and enticed me to dig. The deepest was a little over 6 inches and the merc was only 3 inches. There is gravel in this area.
I could only run my sensitivity up to 16 or it would false like mad. I have been getting a better understanding of how to set the sensitivity. I start out in semi-auto to get a feel for what the ground mineralization is and then go to manual and set it so that falsing is just barely audible. A little falsing does not bother me.
The probe sure makes it easier finding the deeper ones once the plug is removed.