Oh wow......you lucky bugger....i'm still looking.Have you tried it yet......best all round coil i ever used on my Sov.Sensitive,good in trash,easy pinpointing,light to swing good depth......i could really push the sensitivity on my sov with this coil and it still ran smooth.Found some great stuff with this coil as i said before.Please let me know what you think.......warts and all.
I can't get back out yet due to other commitments.......i'm getting withdrawal symptoms.
Just visited my Mom and bought back two of my other detectors she was storing lol.......a Saxon SM45 and my C Scope 1220xd......both great simple inland detectors.
Back up to five detectors now in the house after i said to myself i would thin them out lol.
Thanks Nauti,
Yup I just couldn't take a chance it would Vanish on me. Still looking for coils for my Eureka Gold I bought at the same time I bought the Sovereign for my dad. Bought an audio amplifier for it. What a difference.
Get a well deserved little bonus from work each spring so I have a little money to up grade things sometimes.
Though I have two vehicles that need work this summer. So no big things. No Legend
Really wanted to see how those multi freqs worked with the 60 tones. Being tone adjustable I may have better luck than my old XS. Hearing issues.
So Just the coils for now.
I poked around in the farm field Friday. Just iron. Was hoping to find one of the lost farmers rings or coins next to a chunk of iron. Oh well got till June before the planting. Rained all weekend.

Funny bout your machines.
I can't seem to part with any of mine.
I still enjoy picking up my Old Garret Master Hunter CX3. Just a fun well balanced piece of talking history.

I find anything worth talking about I'll definitely speak up.
I only have maybe 20hrs on the Sovereign.
After my dad passed in Alaska. Took little brother years to go near dad's stuff to send it down here.
He was really close to oll Daddeo.

Got it just before I got layed up for 18 months.
Hopefully this year I can actually get out like I used to. All day. Not 30-40 minutes like Friday.
Can't wait to see more of your digs.
Seeing others sweet finds gives me incentive and drive to get my broken body moving.
Thank You for doing that !!!