Its stable an can be kept in your collection with no worries, Kust don't go tapping the promer really hard. I am a gun nut and reloader, have been around thousands of rounds of ammo of many makes and ages (1900s to present), I build rifles, and shoot thousands of rounds a year, I've never seen nor head of ammo going off without either firing it or burning it in a very hot fire. Disarming it by pulling the bullet and removing powder only half solves the problem, you have to get the primer out, and its dangerous to take out a promer that hasn't been fire.
If you are still a little wary, soak it for a week or two in some penetrating oil like Kano's KROIL or even WD-40. If it is commercial ammo and not lacquer sealed, the primer will be ruined by the oil and it will be unable to fire or detonate.
If you still feel unsure about it, just toss it in the trash.
<img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="">
If you are still a little wary, soak it for a week or two in some penetrating oil like Kano's KROIL or even WD-40. If it is commercial ammo and not lacquer sealed, the primer will be ruined by the oil and it will be unable to fire or detonate.
If you still feel unsure about it, just toss it in the trash.
<img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="">