Me and a friend hunted an old site we've hunted in the past. It's an old lakeside kids camp from the 30's or 40's but there is also an old colonial home site on the property, so it makes for a large variety of finds. We have dug colonial coins that date back into the 1700's plus buckles, buttons and other interesting odds and ends. We also find more modern coins Mercs wheaties and Barbers. The Outlaw did great there today, no old colonial coins but I was able to find a few nice button's. Also scored a bunch of wheat pennies, a few Mercury dimes and a foreign coin of some sort. I'm very happy to have pulled a few buttons from the older area because we have hit that very hard in the past. The Outlaw is very good in the iron, very little falsing and I was getting good depth with the 5.75" coil. Most of my finds were in the 4"-6" range with great signals.
HH Butch NY
HH Butch NY