I wasn't even expecting it.On Tuesday I decided to go back to a location that I haven't been to in a while, but in the past has yielded more finds than any other place I have hunted. When I got there I went straight to an area that has yielded a TON of old coins (including my walking liberty half). Id's are really messed up here, probably because there is a layer of tap rock gravel about an inch under the soil that makes digging a pain. I started out by getting an iffy signal bouncing from the 40's to the 60's hoping for an old nickel but expecting a rusty nail,(I don't know how many of these I have dug in the six inch range here, they give good high tone signals) to my surprise I pulled out a 1930 wheat. The first coin I have found in this particular area in a long time. That made me pretty happy, but I was even happier when about ten minutes later I found another wheat. I then waked a little ways to an area I hadn't hunted as hard and quickly found two more wheats in the 6 inch range and the got another signal exactly like the wheat penny signals. Hoping for silver, but expecting another wheat, I dug down and saw a silver rim. I reached down hoping for a barber or maybe my first seated but pulled out a 1953 Roosevelt instead. Oh well, at least i found a silver coin, my first since last September. A little while later I got a bouncy reading in the 60's that I was hoping would be an old nickel. The coin in hat hole was a nickel, only a dateless buffalo though. I didn't get any more signals in this area so I started walking to another spot at this location. On the way I found a another wheat. The area I was going to hunt has a ton of copper memorials. I think these are more annoying than zincs at this particular location because thy have a bad habit of showing up as a silver dime. I started hunting and found the usual copper pennies and a few nickels, then I got a nice high tone giving a repeatable 82-83-84 signal. This is usually a silver dime signal and I wasn't expecting a memorial because there is usually an 80 every now and then in their signal. Out pops a memorial. Then, right before I left, I got two mid tones. The first was a pencil eraser, and after I dug it I realized there was a high tone signal right next too it. Since it was reading 79-80-81 I assumed it was going to be a memorial. Since I "knew" what it was going to be I dug the other mid tone signal first. It was the ring off an old pull tab. I then dug the high tone signal and got a strong hit with my pro-pointer in the bottom of the hole. I pulled out a hand full of dirt and saw a silver rim. Only another Roosevelt (1950) but I was just happy to find some more silver. This is actually only the second time I have found more than one silver coin in a day. The other time was at this same location. I finished with 5 wheat cents, one buffalo nickel, two silver dimes, 81 cents in clad, and a pouch full of junk
Considering those are only my 20th ans 21st silver coins metal detecting, I am pretty happy. In its price range I don't any other detector will beat the AT Pro for coin hunting. At any rate, if someone offered to trade me any detector in its price range, I would refuse.
Considering those are only my 20th ans 21st silver coins metal detecting, I am pretty happy. In its price range I don't any other detector will beat the AT Pro for coin hunting. At any rate, if someone offered to trade me any detector in its price range, I would refuse.