But ! Here are some areas l would highly recommend if a detectorist and his family were looking for nice places to vacation especially while traveling in a motor home. My first choice above all , would be along the lake michigan shore line from manistee all the way up to frankfort and empire. There are many small towns and road ends where people swim in beautiful steamy clear lake michigan. With, white sandy beaches , where you can metal detect without being hassled, lots of motels,. beautiful scenery , and friendly people that welcome tourists . Traveling past Onekama and Arcadia you will find Elberta bluffs and the mile or so long beach could keep a family M dinging and swimming all summer. It Is so step back in time beautiful. The bluffs are 3 to 5 hunderd feet high, .over looking lake michigan and frankfort's harbor, you can drive down to its beaches. And right next to Elberta is frankfort mi , just across the betsie river. Frankfort is an old lake michigan steamer port, kind of up scale vacationing yuppie coffee shop cool antique and little art shops. Of course a beautiful little harbor and boat marina and its own lovely beach. Lots of places to eat fancy or like the locals do. The town is lively in summer , but its neighborhoods are still quiet. and friendly. Lots of tourists that love to wear gold. And I haven't seen many motels with their own pools, so they're still using the lake, which is a good thing. Just north east of frankfort is crystal lake I would say one of northern Michigan's most cleanest, beauityful , sky blue lakes in northern michigan with wide white sandy beaches a definite place for a detectorist to hunt some of the lakes public beaches in the town of Beulah on its most eastern shore. FInally traveling north of frankfort along scenic M 22 it turns into the sleeping bear national lake shore, all the way to empire, glen arbor and past it. And it's totally closed to metal detecting , water and land. How ever the town of empire another old steamer town allows metal detecting on its township beach and it's a nice one packed in summer, their is a parking fee .and empire village ask if you find something from the 1800s shipping days they would appreciate it being turn in. After empire it's all sleeping bear dunes glen arbor and beyond all closed to metal detecting except a few breaks in the parks boundaries , untill you come to Leland fish town. On the lake michigan shore . Then you can detect its village beaches . This place is again a steamy vacation oriented detecting destination with beautiful beach and maple hardwoods rolling hills and tall white pines over looking lake michigan . Where it's not all about the gold. Waterhound