New member
Two weeks ago I caved and bought a used XP Deus w/ 11" coil. After a couple less successful previous hunts, I went for a short hunt this Sunday afternoon with 'Mkus' to an overgrown playing field behind a school. We were finding some clad here and there and the usual trash. I was swinging along in the center of the field when I got a solid mid 80s tone. Still not super familiar with the Deus' target IDs, I decided to dig this one up. I turned up the plug but the target was still inside the hole.. I scooped out a handful of dirt and felt a solid object between my fingers. Expecting nothing more than trash, I opened my hand to reveal a chunky bright gold class ring!!!! I could not believe my eyes. I still cannot believe my eyes! What an awesome day!! Its a 10k gold class ring from '74. The ring does contain inscripted initials on the inside of the band. I am going to see if I can return this beautiful ring to its original owner. Can you imagine how awesome it will be to see them have it back? -Greg