Dirt slinger
Was talking with a guy I met about detecting and were discussing what I have found and what would be the find that would really make my socks roll up and down, so I thought I'd put the question to you all. We all have are interests, be it relics, jewelry or coins etc, but what is your dream find, something of significant historical value, or a jewelry item, gold nugget, what? As for myself, I would love to find a personal item, ring, pocket watch and the like, that could be directly related to a "known" civil war officer, and by known I mean one that had prominent mention in the history books. A huge diamond encrusterd gold ring would be sweet too with gold prices like they are, but first on the list is the above.
So how about it, what would be your "dream find"? There are no wrong answers here.
So how about it, what would be your "dream find"? There are no wrong answers here.