Neil in West Jersey
New member
There are plenty of metal detecting forums on the web, but I think Finds is the best resource for good, helpful info. That being said, I just tried to reply to an ongoing discussion regarding Ground Balancing the CTX-3030 and got the dreaded "Topic is closed" message.
Just my opinion, but if we close topics that allow users share helpful info and we keep topics like "this mornings silver" and "A first for me" open, helpful posts will quickly end up getting bumped back to other pages and the "today's find" topics will dominate the forum. Finds will find itself in a similar situation as other forums...declining traffic, less advertising, etc. As more and more people are using social media to show off their finds, this forum runs the risk of becoming irrelevant and boring.
Just my opinion, but if we close topics that allow users share helpful info and we keep topics like "this mornings silver" and "A first for me" open, helpful posts will quickly end up getting bumped back to other pages and the "today's find" topics will dominate the forum. Finds will find itself in a similar situation as other forums...declining traffic, less advertising, etc. As more and more people are using social media to show off their finds, this forum runs the risk of becoming irrelevant and boring.