Well-known member
Hello folks had my Safari for some time and well its time to get a newer technology detector so I decided too try a single frequency metal detector but first i want too say i enjoyed the Safari very much and through my years and posts on here i have found many awesome target's and I just needed a change just too see lol so i pre ordered the Nokta/Makro Simplex+ now you all must be saying oh he must of read all the hype on this unit but no i actually tried this unit out and it being a water proof detector and only weights 2.9 pounds and the way it hits on targets i liked it alot so the only way i could of gotten the Simplex was too sell my Safari so i sold my Safari and my last words too the guy that bought the Safari was "i may regret this" so with that said I'm hoping the learning curve doesn't take too long on the Simplex!